0493 - 670 985


Lightspeed Systems

Welcome to the website of Lightspeed


Lightspeed Systems is a company that specializes in the (re)development and delivery of intelligent high-tech sensors, based on light metering. From a basic product, through use of software and/or mechanical development freedoms, tailor made products can be developed. 

Lightspeed is able to develop both unique and value-added products for end markets. This for instance, better quality solutions will be developed for exiting products or solutions found where no adequate products are available in the market. Lightspeed begins where other sensors stop.


On the other hand, these freedoms allow for developing a wide range of products, for a wide range of (world) markets. Lightspeed is currently active, for example in markets such as burglary/theft protection, elevators, fire detection, traffic, escalators and in the medical world. This versatility makes it necessary for Lightspeed to operate on the Product Market Combination (PMC) model. That is, with, for each market a specialized partner, from that market. This is to ensure the necessary product knowledge and commercial market knowledge, to make the innovation process as successful as possible.


On this website you will find in the main menu:

  •  Under the heading “Lightspeed Technique” you will find information about our system and its capabilities. As well as an overview of the product obtained certificates.
  •  The sub-menu “Product Outline” provides an overview of our current PMCs and all of our products  listed by PMC. 
  • -In “Partners” you can see on which PMC our partners are on and from which geographical area.  (Is therefore, commercially not yet completed). 

Our Product Market Combination thinking brings both knowledge of the needs and requirements of specific markets and direct commercial access to those markets.

Rob Tielbeke, Managing Director

Product Market Combination